The Citizen's Resistance Project

The United States Capitol Building Being Prepared for Inauguration Day - January 2009
The US Capitol being prepared for the 2009 inauguration. (photo credit to Archive.Defense)

Project No. 1 — Tank Trump's Inauguration Ratings with Concentrated Disinterest

Here's how this works. Every cable and satellite TV provider can count the number of sets operating on their systems at any given minute. A percentage will tune in to the inauguration. The rest of us will be watching something else. If we all watch different channels, this still give the inauguration the biggest single percentage of viewers, however...

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Force a Downward Trend Online

The President’s name is usually front and center on Inauguration Day, but we can keep it low on the “trending now” stats across the country by systematically Googling someone other than the President-Elect from 8:00am to 5:00pm Eastern.

Here’s a suggested list with Bing search links.
Click here for the same list with Google links.


Other Sites to Visit Regularly

American Civil Liberties Union

Southern Poverty Law Center